Om forfatteren

Shirley Hardie Jackson (December 14, 1916 – August 8, 1965) was an American writer, known primarily for her works of horror and mystery. Over the duration of her writing career, which spanned over two decades, she composed six novels, two memoirs, and more than 200 short stories.

Born in San Francisco, California, Jackson later attended Syracuse University in New York, where she became involved with the university's literary magazine and met her future husband Stanley Edgar Hyman. The couple settled in North Bennington, Vermont in 1940, after which Hyman established a career as a literary critic, and Jackson began writing.

After publishing her debut novel The Road Through the Wall (1948), a semi-autobiographical account of her childhood in California, Jackson gained significant public attention for her short story "The Lottery", which details a sinister underside to a bucolic American village. She continued to publish numerous short stories in literary journals and magazines throughout the 1950s, some of which were assembled and reissued in her 1953 memoir Life Among the Savages. In 1959, she published The Haunting of Hill House, a supernatural horror novel widely considered to be one of the best ghost stories ever written.

A reclusive woman, Jackson remained in North Bennington for the last years of her life, and was reluctant to discuss her work with the public. By the 1960s, her health began to deteriorate significantly as a result of her increasing weight and cigarette smoking, ultimately leading to her death due to a heart condition in 1965 at the age of 48. Jackson has been cited as an influence on a diverse set of authors, including Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Sarah Waters, Nigel Kneale, Claire Fuller, Joanne Harris, and Richard Matheson.

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Mørket i Hill House

En rigtig gyser foregår i hjemmet. Huset som den ukendte modstander går helt tilbage til Horace Walpoles Slottet i Otranto fra 1764, og det bruges stadig i horrorlitteraturen i dag. Det, der burde være vores base og vores skjold, vender sig pludselig imod os. Sådan er det også i Shirley Jacksons mesterværk fra 1959, hvor huset har den altoverskyggende hovedrolle. Mørket i Hill House (The Haunting of Hill House) er skrevet i 1959 og anses som en af det 20. århundredes bedste gyserromaner. Bogen er en verdenssucces og er forlægget for to filmatiseringer og senest en Net­flix-serie. Romanen udkommer nu for første gang på dansk. Shirley Jackson (1919-1965) var foregangskvinde inden for den moderne gotiske litteratur og en af det tyvende århundredes mest indflydelsesrige forfattere. Hun har inspireret en lang række forfattere inden for gyser- og gotikgenren, bl.a. Stephen King og Donna Tartt.
380,62  DKK
Udgave1. lydbogsudgave, 2020
Trykt sideantal
Udgivelsesdato03 nov. 2020
Udgivet afFrydenlund
ISBN lydbog9788772163611