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Anna Maria Angelika Jansson (born 13 February 1958) is a Swedish crime writer and nurse from Visby, Gotland. She started her career as a surgeon nurse, but soon went over to the lung clinic due to her frequent fainting from seeing blood.

Jansson began writing novels in 1997 after her family bought a computer. At this time she had worked as a nurse for twenty years, and although she still enjoyed her occupation, she felt it was time to try something new. Jansson commented: "In school I hated writing essays, but then we got a computer at home, and suddenly I discovered that I actually felt happy as I was writing." A contributing factor to Jansson's decision to pursue her career as an author was her patients; she often met patients that were about to die and she was told that they regretted the fact that they had not spent much time in life doing what they really wanted.

The inspiration for Jansson's novels, which deal with crimes, came from the patients she met in her job as a nurse. Jansson's first crime novel to be published was Stum sitter guden in 2000. She had written two novels prior to this one, but failed to find a publisher for them. Jansson did not give up on her career as a nurse, and continued to work part-time at the Örebro Hospital while writing in her free time. Since 2000, she has published at least one novel each year. Her latest ones have sold over 100,000 copies each. In addition to this, Jansson has written a number of children's books.

Jansson's crime novels take place in Gotland and the main character in all of them is criminal inspector Maria Wern. Her 2006 novel Främmande fågel was nominated for a Glass Key award in 2007, and was adapted into a television show by TV4 in 2008.

Despite her now successful career as a writer, Jansson still works part-time as a nurse at Örebro Hospital's lung clinic. She has three children and lives in Vintrosa outside of Örebro.

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En ældre mand findes død, skuddræbt i hovedet på klods hold uden for sit hjem i et sommerdøsigt fiskerleje på Gotland. Det er den 90-årige Heinz Meyer, der er død.

Heinz Meyer kom som en af flere sårede tyske soldater til Gotland efter Anden Verdenskrig for at modtage pleje. I over tres år har han levet en stille tilværelse i den lille flække, Ronehamn. Maria Wern bliver sat på sagen om det koldblodige mord og har svært at finde noget motiv til det. Folkene i fiskerlejets lille samfund er modvillige til at hjælpe med oplysninger, og det gør ikke opgaven nemmere. Marias egen verden ramler, da der sker et dødsfald i familien. Og som om det ikke skulle være nok, sker der noget på hendes børns sommerlejr, som vækker politiets opmærksomhed: Pigen Mirela forsvinder.


Skyggebarn er en fritstående Maria Wern-krimi om børns sårbarhed, og om hændelser i fortiden der kaster deres mørke skygger ind over Gotland.

149,96  DKK
Køb trykt bog
Trykt sideantal280
Udgivelsesdato01 mar. 2018
Udgivet afPeople'sPress
ISBN trykt bog9788772001982
ISBN epub9788772003450
ISBN lydbog9788772003061