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Fastest in the world

Fastest in the World What is the fastest in the world?
You can read about it in this book.
Meet a man, a predator and a fish.
And a fly and a bird.

De populære Billebøger (fiktion) og Min første bog (fakta) udgives også på engelsk til brug i indskolingen. Bøgerne er oversat af Henrik Enemark og Susan Spann, der er blandt Danmarks bedste oversættere. Bøgerne er velegnede til indskolingen og på hhv. 16 og 28 sider.    

My first book: Easy reading - Just for you! My first book is a series of books written for children who are just beginning to learn English. These simple books are filled with fun facts based on topics that appeal to most young readers. More titles are on their way.
174,94  DKK
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Udgivelsesdato07 nov. 2016
Udgivet afTurbine
ISBN trykt bog9788740612677
ISBN epub9788775490110