Om forfatteren

Roberto Esposito is an Italian philosopher, who is important for his work in biopolitics.

Roberto Esposito was born in Piano di Sorrento where he graduated at the University of Naples 'Federico II'. He currently teaches Theoretical Philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Italy. He was Vice Director of the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, and the coordinator of the doctoral programme in Philosophy until 2013. For five years he was the only Italian member of the International Council of Scholars of the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris.

He was one of the founders of the European Political Lexicon Research Centre and of the International Centre for a European Legal and Political Lexicon, which was established by a consortium made up of the Universities of Bologna, Florence, Padua, Salerno, Naples L'Orientale and Naples S. Orsola Benincasa. He is co-editor of Filosofia Politica published by il Mulino, the series 'Per la Storia della Filosofia Politica' published by Franco Angeli, the series 'Storia e teoria politica' published by Bibliopolis, and the series 'Comunità e Libertà' published by Laterza. He is editor of the 'Teoria e Oggetti' series published by Liguori and also acts as a philosophy consultant for publishers Einaudi.

His 2012 monograph, Living Thought. The Origins and Actuality of Italian Philosophy (trans. Zakiya Hanafi, Stanford UP, 2012), is dedicated to Italian philosophical thought, and aims at creating a historical and theoretical background for the definition of the notion of "Italian Theory".

He has been featured in the Summer 2006 and Fall 2009 issues of the journal Diacritics and the Fall 2013 special issue of Angelaki.


Fællesskabets oprindelse og skæbne

”Intet synes mere aktuelt end en fællesskabets tænkning: mere efterspurgt, påkrævet, bebudet af en situation, som i én epokal knude forbinder samtlige kommunismers nederlag med de nye individualismers elendighed. Og alligevel er intet sværere at få øje på. Intet så fjernt, fortrængt, henvist til en endnu ikke oprunden tid, til en fjern og gådefuld horisont.”   

Gennem originale fortolkninger af Hobbes, Rousseau, Kant, Heidegger og Bataille, men også Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Canetti, Arendt og Sartre søger Roberto Esposito efter en ny tilgang til og forståelse af fællesskabet. Resultatet af hans ekstraordinære filosofiske og etymologiske analyser er en radikal omvæltning af de fortolkninger af fællesskabet, som hidtil har domineret den vestlige tænkning.   

Roberto Esposito (f. 1950) er italiensk filosof. Han har opnået stor international anerkendelse for sit arbejde med biopolitik og fællesskab. Communitas - Fællesskabets oprindelse og skæbne er hans første bog på dansk. 
234,38  DKK
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Udgivelsesdato11 jun. 2019
Udgivet afForlaget THP
ISBN trykt bog9788792600127