Om forfatteren

Peter Rollins (born 31 March 1973) is a Northern Irish writer, public speaker, philosopher and radical theologian.

Drawing largely from various strands of continental philosophy, Rollins' early work operated broadly from within the tradition of apophatic theology, while his more recent books have signalled a move toward the theory and practice of Death of God theology. In these books Rollins develops a "religionless" interpretation of Christianity called pyrotheology, an interpretation that views faith as a particular way of engaging with the world rather than a set of beliefs about the world.

In contrast to the dominant reading of Christianity, this more existential approach argues that faith has nothing to do with upholding a religious identity, affirming a particular set of beliefs or gaining wholeness through conversion. Instead he has developed an approach that sees Christianity as a critique of these very things. This anti-religious reading stands against the actual existing church and lays the groundwork for an understanding of faith as a type of life in which one is able to celebrate doubt, ambiguity and complexity while deepening care and concern for the world. He argues that the event which gave rise to the Christian tradition cannot itself be reduced to a tradition, but is rather a way of challenging traditions.

In order to explore and promote these themes Rollins has founded a number of experimental communities such as ikon and ikonNYC. These groups describe themselves as iconic, apocalyptic, heretical, emerging and failing and engage in the performance of what they call 'transformance art' and the creation of "suspended space." Because of their rejection of "worldview Christianity" and embrace of suspended space, these groups purposefully attempt to attract people with different political perspectives and opposing views concerning the existence of God and the nature of the world.

Although Rollins does not directly identify with the emerging church movement, he has been a significant influence on the movement's development.

Den rettroende kætter

og andre umulige fortællinger

Peter Rollins slår med sine 33 fortællinger en pæl igennem den opfattelse, at den kristne tro skulle være passiviserende. Han konfronterer os med en radikal tro, der er alt andet end verdensflugt, men et kald til at engagere os i verden helt og fuldt.

At det sker i fortællingens eller lignelsens form er ikke tilfældig. Peter Rollins mener, at megen religiøs kommunikation giver information, men uden at den er virkningsfuld. Vi kan alt for nemt lytte til „sandheden“ og være enig i den, uden at det får os til at ændre os.”

Den religiøse verden er oversvømmet af et hav af skrifter og taler, der har til formål at gøre troens sandhed tydelig, klar og spiselig. Lignelsen undergraver denne trang til at gøre troen enkel og forståelig. Den giver ikke læseren klarhed – den kræver i stedet, at vi igen og igen vender tilbage til dens ord, at vi kæmper med den og undres over den.”

Peter Rollins er filosof og er grundlægger af trosfællesskabet IKON i Belfast. Han underviser på universitetet om dagen og fortæller lignelser på pubber om aftenen. Han er forfatter til flere bøger med How (Not) to Speak of God som den mest kendte.

187,45  DKK
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Trykt sideantal144
Udgivelsesdato05 apr. 2011
Udgivet afBoedal
ISBN trykt bog9788789626789