Om forfatteren

Johannes Linnankoski (originally Vihtori Johan Peltonen, 18 October 1869 – 10 August 1913) was a Finnish author. His most famous work is the sensual Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta. His primary themes were exploring guilt, punishment and redemption as moral questions.

His books have been made into numerous major feature films with the most famous (or notorious) being Hilja maitotyttö (directed by Teuvo Tulio) and Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta – "The Song of the Blood-Red Flower" – (directed by Mikko Niskanen). "The Song of the Blood-Red Flower" has also been filmed in Sweden, in three different versions by directors Mauritz Stiller, Per-Axel Branner and Gustaf Molander.

Linnankoski was born in Askola and was active in the cultural life of Eastern Uusimaa. He was one of the founders of the bank in Porvoo and also founded Finnish-language schools and daily newspapers such as Uusimaa, the first Finnish-language newspaper situated outside of the major towns of Uusimaa.

In 1938 a Linnankoski museum was opened, close to the sauna building where Linnankoski supposedly was born.

Læs uddrag

Den blodrøde blomst

Olaf er søn af en storbonde, men efter et par pige-eventyr på sin hjemegn kommer han i konflikt med sin fader, der ikke vil tillade ham at gifte sig med "en tjenestetøs", og han forlader hjemmet for at blive tømmerfløter. På sine ture rundt i landet efter arbejde går han fra favn til favn, elsker dem alle, men bliver ikke hos nogen. Da han endelig finder den rette, bliver de gamle eventyr ved med at spøge i ham, og han må komme overens med fortidens spøgelser, før han kan falde til ro som familiefader.

"Den blodrøde blomst" udkom første gang i 1905 og opnåede hurtigt status som klassiker. Den var også en af finsk litteraturs første "bestsellere".

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Udgave2. ebogsudgave
Trykt sideantal186 Sider
Udgivelsesdato20 mar. 2021
Udgivet afeBibliotek 1800
ISBN epub9788779797444