Om forfatteren

Tom Malmquist, born March 23, 1978 in Sweden, is a poet and an author. His most notable work is his auto-biographical and award-winning novel In Every Moment We Are Still Alive [I varje ögonblick är vi fortfarande vid liv, 2015].

In the novel, the main character's partner Karin is diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia 33 weeks into her pregnancy. Tom and Karin’s daughter Livia is born via cesarean section, but just a week after her birth Karin passes. A few months later, Tom’s father also loses the battle against cancer. In Every Moment We Are Still Alive has been called “furiously beautiful” by the Swedish press and received several of the country’s most prestigious literary awards, amongst else the Karin Boye Literary Prize (2015) and Dagens Nyheter Culture Prize (2016). Malmquist was additionally shortlisted for the Nordic Council’s Literature Prize (2016).

In Every Moment We Are Still Alive is sold to twenty countries: Germany, France, China, and others. In February 2018, The New York Times listed it as “12 New Books We Recommend This Week.” The New York Times additionally listed the novel as a “100 Notable Books of 2018” title. The Spanish newspaper El País chose it as one of this decade’s nine best books about life and death. The Guardian called it “a deeply personal account of loss.”

Malmquist is also a highly acclaimed poet in Sweden. To date he has published two collections of poetry in his homeland, both praised by the Swedish critics.

Lyt til uddrag

I hvert øjeblik er vi stadig i live

Tom Malmquist selvbiografiske roman er en smertelig roman om at miste sin elskede og at blive far på samme tid. Det er en smertefuld, men en hel usædvanlig kærlighedshistorie – hør den! Om ”I hvert øjeblik er vi stadig i live ”

Tom og Karin venter deres første barn, da Karin pludselig bliver syg og må indlægges. Barnet forløses ved kejsersnit, og som i et mareridt løber Tom ad hospitalets underjordiske gange fra neonatal- til intensivafdelingen: mellem liv og død.
Karin dør af akut leukæmi kort efter, hun har født deres datter. Tom står nu alene tilbage med en stor sorg og en lille hjælpeløs pige.

I hvert øjeblik er vi stadig i live er en barsk og dybt bevægende bog om et år der ændrede alt i en ung mands liv.

Det er Tom Malmquists (f. 1978) første roman, den er autofiktion og er indstillet til Nordisk Råds Litteraturpris 2016

”I hvert øjeblik er vi stadig i live” er indlæst af Jesper Dupont
i 2017 for Lytteratur hos AV Forlaget / Swann studio
166,88  DKK
Trykt sideantal
Udgivelsesdato06 jun. 2017
Udgivet afLytteratur
ISBN lydbog9788771894622