Om forfatteren

Jaron Zepel Lanier (, born May 3, 1960) is an American computer philosophy writer, computer scientist, visual artist, and composer of classical music. Considered a founding father of the field of virtual reality, Lanier and Thomas G. Zimmerman left Atari in 1985 to found VPL Research, Inc., the first company to sell VR goggles and gloves. In the late 1990s, Lanier worked on applications for Internet2, and in the 2000s, he was a visiting scholar at Silicon Graphics and various universities. In 2006 he began to work at Microsoft, and from 2009 has worked at Microsoft Research as an Interdisciplinary Scientist.

Lanier has composed classical music and is a collector of rare instruments; his acoustic album, Instruments of Change (1994) features Asian wind and string instruments such as the khene mouth organ, the suling flute, and the sitar-like esraj. Lanier teamed with Mario Grigorov to compose the soundtrack to the documentary film, The Third Wave (2007). In 2010, Lanier was nominated in the TIME 100 list of most influential people.

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Ti argumenter for at slette dine profiler på de sociale medier nu

Bogen er ikke imod ny teknologi. Det er en optimistisk bog om, at vi kan gøre det bedre. Den er kritisk over for den forretningsmodel, der styrer de sociale medier. Vi får det hele gratis, men til gengæld er vi blevet reduceret til produkter og verdens rigeste virksomheder lever af at høste vores data og vores kommunikation for bedre at kunne manipulere os. Det er muligt at gøre noget helt andet på nettet, men først må vi ud af det spindelvæv, som vi er blevet fanget i.

93,75  DKK
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Udgivelsesdato08 okt. 2018
Udgivet afGyldendal
ISBN lydbog9788702271119