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Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), better known by his pen name George Orwell, was an English novelist and essayist, journalist and critic. His work is characterised by lucid prose, awareness of social injustice, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism.

As a writer, Orwell produced literary criticism and poetry, fiction and polemical journalism; and is best known for the allegorical novella Animal Farm (1945) and the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). His non-fiction works, including The Road to Wigan Pier (1937), documenting his experience of working-class life in the north of England, and Homage to Catalonia (1938), an account of his experiences soldiering for the Republican faction of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), are as critically respected as his essays on politics and literature, language and culture. In 2008, The Times ranked George Orwell second among "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945".

Orwell's work remains influential in popular culture and in political culture, and the adjective "Orwellian" – describing totalitarian and authoritarian social practices – is part of the English language, like many of his neologisms, such as "Big Brother", "Thought Police", and "Hate week", "Room 101", the "memory hole", and "Newspeak", "doublethink" and "proles", "unperson" and "thoughtcrime".

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George Orwells klassiker nyoversat for første gang siden den oprindelige udgivelse i 1949.

"Den, der kontroller fortiden, kontrollerer fremtiden; den, der kontroller nutiden, kontrollerer fortiden."

Alt hvad du tænker og gør, registreres og rapporteres til Tankepolitiet. Det er år 1984. Winston Smith bor i Oceanien, hvor Partiet og den allestedsnærværende Big Brother overvåger borgerne ned til mindste detalje. Winston arbejder i Ministeriet for Sandhed, hvor han redigerer gamle dokumenter og aviser, så historien altid fremstår i overensstemmelse med Partiets sandhed. Men Winston længes efter frihed, og han opdager hurtigt, at den trang er livsfarlig.

"1984" er et stærkt forsvar for tankens frihed, og George Orwells dystopi er mere aktuel end nogensinde. Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), der var bedre kendt under pseudonymet George Orwell, var en britisk forfatter og journalist. Han huskes i dag bedst for romanerne "Kammerat Napoleon" ("Animal Farm") og "1984" ("Nineteen Eighty-Four") – to værker, der kendetegnes ved Orwells store bevidsthed om social retfærdighed og stærke modstand mod totalitarismen. Hans kulturelle indflydelse på både politik og populærkultur er tydelig at se selv den dag i dag.
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Udgivelsesdato07 jan. 2021
ISBN lydbog9788726697506