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Henning Georg Mankell (Swedish pronunciation: [²hɛnːɪŋ ¹maŋːkɛl]; 3 February 1948 – 5 October 2015) was a Swedish crime writer, children's author, and dramatist, best known for a series of mystery novels starring his most noted creation, Inspector Kurt Wallander. He also wrote a number of plays and screenplays for television.

He was a left-wing social critic and activist. In his books and plays he constantly highlighted social inequality issues and injustices in Sweden and abroad. In 2010, Mankell was on board one of the ships in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla that was boarded by Israeli military forces. He was below deck when eight or nine people were shot.

Mankell shared his time between Sweden and countries in Africa, mostly Mozambique where he started a theatre. He made considerable donations to charity organizations, mostly connected to Africa.

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Danselærerens genkomst

Den 12. december 1945 stiger en enkelt passager ud af et anonymt militærfly i det besejrede Nazityskland. Næste dag henrettes ni mandlige og tre kvindelige krigsforbrydere. I oktober 1999 findes den pensionerede politimand Herbert Molin tortureret ihjel uden for sit ensomt beliggende hus i Härjedalen. Inde i hytten ser det ud til, at nogen har danset med mordofferet. Der er tangotrin i blodet på gulvet. I Borås læser den 37-årige sygemeldte politibetjent Stefan Lindman om mordet på Molin, en kollega, han respekterede. Han tager af sted for privat at finde ud af, hvad der er sket.
67,50  DKK
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Udgivelsesdato25 jan. 2012
Udgivet afKlim
ISBN lydbog9788771290240