Om forfatteren

Rolf Dobelli (born July 15, 1966 in Luzern, Switzerland) is a Swiss author and businessman. He began his writing career as a novelist in 2002, but he is best known internationally for his bestselling non-fiction The Art of Thinking Clearly (2011, English 2013), for which The Times has called him "the self-help guru the Germans love".

Born in 1966 in Lucerne, Switzerland, he obtained an MBA in 1991 from the University of St. Gallen and a PhD in economic philosophy in 1995. In 1999, he co-founded getAbstract, a publisher of book summaries and article abstracts.

In 2003, Diogenes Verlag (Switzerland) published his first novel, Fünfunddreissig ("Thirty-five"), followed by Und was machen Sie beruflich? ("And What Do You Do for a Living?") in 2004, Himmelreich (The Heavens) in 2006, Wer bin ich? ("Who am I?") and Turbulenzen ("Turbulence") in 2007 and Massimo Marini in 2010. The major themes in Dobelli's novels are the meaning of success and the role of randomness in business and in life.

Dobelli is the author of The Art of Thinking Clearly (Die Kunst des klaren Denkens), originally published by Carl Hanser Verlag in 2011, which was an instant success, entering Germany's Der Spiegel Bestseller list as number 1. It was the bestselling non-fiction book in Germany and Switzerland in 2012. It was translated into English in 2013 and hit the top ten bestseller lists in the U.K, South Korea, India, Ireland, Hong Kong and Singapore.The Art of Thinking Clearly was attacked by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Christopher Chabris for plagiarism. Christopher Chabris has published an example in Dobelli's book that is referenced but does not have quotation marks, and four paragraphs in the notes/references section (unprinted in most editions) without the formally required proper credit. Dobelli acknowledged those errors and they will be fixed.

Dobelli advises to "avoid news consumption" an idea he learnt from Nassim Taleb and attributed to him, but in one later instance failed to properly credit to Taleb. He cites "fifteen reasons to avoid news" in a 2013 blog post.

Dobelli is a member of Edge Foundation, Inc., an association of intellectuals, PEN International, Royal Society of Arts and founder of the "zurich.minds" foundation.

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Kunsten at leve godt

Glem forestillingerne om det gode liv og lev det i stedet.

Rolf Dobelli udfordrer vanetænkning og vender kendte sandheder på hovedet i underfundige, polemiske bud på, hvordan vi kan komme til at leve bedre.

Mennesket har altid stillet sig selv spørgsmålene: Hvordan lever jeg det gode liv? Og hvad er egentlig et godt liv? Hvilken rolle spiller skæbnen, og hvilken betydning har penge? Handler det gode liv om en mental indstilling eller om materiel velstand? Skal man stræbe efter lykke eller fokusere på at undgå ulykke?

Opskriften på det gode liv er ikke enkel. Alt efter situation og sammenhæng må man gribe livet forskelligt an. Den nysgerrige læser kan her hente inspiration fra antikken, middelalderlig filosofi og nyeste psykologisk forskning.

KUNSTEN AT LEVE GODT udfordrer vanetænkning og tilbyder mentale redskaber og teknikker til at fremme livsduelighed. Først og fremmest skal man øve sig. Hjælp til selvhjælp på den polemiske og humoristiske måde.

Om forfatteren

ROLF DOBELLI (født 1966) er schweizisk romanforfatter, klummeskribent og iværksætter inden for krydsfeltet videnskab, kultur og økonomi. Han har tidligere skrevet bestsellerne KUNSTEN AT TÆNKE KLART og KUNSTEN AT HANDLE KLOGT, som er udkommet verden over.
166,88  DKK
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Udgivelsesdato06 mar. 2018
ISBN lydbog9788771894561